KATOMOKU is a small woodworking shop nestled in the heart of Gujo-Hachiman, Japan. With a history of over 70 years, KATOMOKU embarks on new challenges, building upon our accumulated technology and experience.
KATOMOKU believes in the power of craftsmanship and the endless possibilities that arise from dedicating ourselves to the art of manufacturing day after day.
Katomoku Wall Clock Muku 13 Oak
- It is handmade at a Japanese woodworking factory.
- Brand: Katomoku, Japan
- Size: 30.6 x 30.6 x 4.6 cm
- Weight: 900g
- Material: Oak (frame)、MDF (dial), glass
- Movement: Silent Movement Rhythm or SEIKO
- AA batteries ×1 (not included)
- Dispatched within 7-10 days
Brand | Katomoku |
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